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Eco-Friendly tech products: How Tech Companies Are Going Green

Eco-Friendly tech products
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Green technology or clean technology is one definition of environmental technology and this is indisputably a weapon that we have in the fight for a conducive environment. It is a shift from processing materials that have negative impacts and creating as much waste as possible. Any eco-friendly tech products start-up utilizes the latest findings in environmental science and ecological conservation to minimize the environmental cost of people’s actions.

Such a scenario presents the need for such solutions as the world faces the looming crisis of electronic waste (e-waste) or electronic scrap. The global volume of e-waste is expected to reach 347 million metric tons by 2022, making China, the USA, and India the leading e-waste producers. Lamentably, this proportion stands at only 17.4% and it means that only a small portion of used electronics that have turned into e-waste is effectively collected and recycled.

Such action in the management of e-waste has some of the worst effects. This gets in the way of collecting valuable and scarce materials like neodymium, indium, and cobalt used in flat-panel TVs. Further, gruesome practices such as burning and the use of acid baths that exist to claim metals from the use of gadgets, are equally lethal to human health and the environment.

Presently eco-friendly tech products can be seen as a ray of hope in this aspect as firms pave the way on how best they can reduce the impact of their products and services on the environment. These technological improvements reduce the consumption of power, control noise, and maintain the quality of air and water, hence encouraging sustainable living. It is not only beneficial to the environment but also protects people’s physical well-being from harm due to a degenerating environment. The availability of technological advancement in the environmental sector inter-alia makes it possible for us, to discuss environmentally friendly technology.


Top 10 eco-friendly tech products

Smart thermostats:

A smart thermostat is an enhanced thermostat system that individuals within families can easily use to adjust the heating and cooling units in their houses. They can be set on your circadian rhythm and shut off the heat when there are no people in the house, for instance.

Solar-powered chargers:

Solar-based charger works identically to that of charging devices through the electricity grid but the source of power is the energy captured from the sun. It is ideal for those who use cars for recreational activities or anybody who would wish to cut down his/her usage of the fuel derived from petroleum.

Energy-efficient appliances:

When repurchasing appliances, try to get those that have Energy Star certification especially if the current ones are inefficient. These appliances are meant to consume less energy and hence help you to cut on the many expenses that you have to make on your electricity bills.

Smart Plugs:

Smart plugs are useful tiny gadgets. They attach between an appliance’s plug and an existing outlet, turning on and off the device’s power at the user’s command. By reducing phantom power, smart plugs are predicted to save between 1 and 4.58 percent of energy or 500 to 1000 kilowatts. The market for intelligent energy management systems is developing, and smart plugs are vital to those markets. 

Bamboo laptops:

In line with these inspirations, these fashionable but environmentally friendly laptops are made of such materials as bamboo. However in the past materials used in the manufacturing of laptops were not very friendly to the environment, while bamboo in contrast is the quickly maturing material that could increase the manufacture of more laptops.

Electric vehicles (EVs):

In the first place, electric cars do not emit any pollutive matter through the tailpipe and thus have lesser pollutive impact than vehicles with a gasoline engine. The purchase price might slightly be higher, but the operating cost of electric cars is significantly less than that of the petrol car and governments also chip in by providing rebates to the owners of electric vehicles.

Smart irrigation systems:

Automatic water controllers are those systems that control the water that is needed in the garden by using special mainly. It can automatically set irrigation frequencies related to weather patterns and soil moisture and avoid watering the plants once they are saturated.

Compost bins:

yard waste is a natural way of recycling food waste by creating nutrient-rich fertilizer for plants within the atmosphere. Compost bins are used for the collection of composting materials, and aid in preventing such items from ending up in a landfill while at the same time providing a natural way to amend the soil.

LED light bulbs:

Comparing the LED light bulbs to the normal incandescent bulbs implies that the former makes a lot of to conserve electricity as compared to the latter. They also have a longer service duration and they use up to 80% less electricity as compared to the other forms of lighting hence economical and friendly to the environment.

Water-saving showerheads:

Low-flow showerheads are devices that prevent the usage of large amounts of water while showering but do not affect the functionality of showers. They can be beneficial in that they can assist you in cutting down on water usage and at the same time, your expenses for water will reduce drastically.

Why should one use eco-friendly tech products?

Technological gadgets that have environmental sensitivity have gone beyond being considered simply as a fad. It is a versatile product that has numerous advantages by providing an environmental aspect while helping you to save money. Let’s delve into some of the key reasons to consider incorporating these sustainable wonders into your life: 

Environmental Benefits:

Reduced Energy Consumption: Gadgets, smart home appliances, efficient air conditioning systems, and other related technologies are developed to utilize less energy. This in particular results in a lesser use of carbon thus reducing the adverse effects of climate change and air pollution.

Conservation of Resources: Products such as bottles made of aluminum that can be used time and again, and laptops made from bamboo are some of the gadgets that help us conserve natural resources. Reusable bottles do not require single-use plastics; bamboo is a mature material that has a greater growth rate than laptops’ common materials.

Minimized Waste Production: Specifically, contributing to the proper compost handling, including the utilization of compost bins and advanced watering systems can maintain responsible waste disposal. Recycling helps minimize the volume of wastes to be disposed of in the nearest landfill, while efficient irrigation systems minimize the overuse of water which is still considered as a limited resource.

Financial Benefits:

Cost Savings: Although there are eco-friendly gadgets that may be slightly more expensive initially (for example, electric automobiles), the total cost over time is considerably lower. Compact fluorescent bulbs use less current, and a thermos means less recurrent consumption of bottled water. Also, there are direct subsidies to the buyer as provided by governments to encourage the purchase of EVs to counter the high first cost.

Lower Utility Bills: Advanced thermostats that enhance the temperature regulation and low-flow shower heads that reduce water consumption lead to less money being spent on utilities, or, more money back into your pocket.

Health Benefits:

Improved Air Quality: By shifting away from fossil energies and encouraging energy saving, environmentally friendly devices help tailor a healthy atmosphere. It is beneficial when one has respiratory complications; the air is fresh, clean, and easy to breathe.

Water Conservation: It is evident from the examples that cutting down water extravagance involves using water-saving devices and effective tracing and management of irrigation systems, which is a step towards ensuring water availability in the future.

Lifestyle Benefits:

Convenience: It is often seen that using gadgets that are environmentally friendly like solar chargers and irrigation systems have more utility than traditional ones. Portable solar chargers can be used to charge your equipment during a move and smart irrigation systems come with built-in predetermined settings.

Tech-Savvy Living: Eco-friendly tech gadgets are usually associated with sophisticated electronics to which you can gain access and thereby manage your size energy consumption or the amount of water used. This helps you to make better decisions and also further enhances your impact on the natural environment.

A Sustainable Future: When comes to eco-friendly tech gadgets, you are directly supporting the development of a sustainable society. EPA recognizes it as the ideal way for people to embrace natural resources to provide future generations with a healthy world.

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